Coding and Marking Extrusions
Manufacturers of extruded plastic, rubber and aluminium construction parts require reliable, easy-to-use coders that can meet the legibility, adhesion and colour requirements of their customers.
From company updates to helpful hints and tips - Rotech's blog is a one stop shop for coding & marking and packaging information.
Manufacturers of extruded plastic, rubber and aluminium construction parts require reliable, easy-to-use coders that can meet the legibility, adhesion and colour requirements of their customers.
The term COO (cost of ownership) is all-important in the world of coding, where the price of a machine isn’t a reflection on its overall lifetime cost.
Cardboard boxes are ideal for the safe transportation of goods. All that’s needed is for the box to show all the correct logistics, shipping or traceability information in a clear and readable format.
Thermal inkjet is a reliable and low-cost solution for the coding and marking of a range of packaging types. However, you could potentially cut your operating costs further by following these tips.
Director of coding and marking specialist Rotech, outlines the impact the FMD is set to have across the pharmaceutical supply chain.
TIJ (thermal inkjet) is challenging TT (thermal transfer) as the coding technology of choice for web-based materials, says Richard Pether, Director at coding specialist Rotech Machines.
In the last decade, designers of TIJ (thermal inkjet) printers have been working tirelessly to address the technology’s limiting factors, and latest generation TIJ machines will outperform CIJ in terms of cost of ownership and print quality in most coding applications. But despite a discernible shift to TIJ on FMCG lines, outdated perceptions are still deterring many operations from moving to cartridge-based technology.
Manufacturers in the growing ready meals sector are facing increasing challenges regarding the labelling and coding of convenience food products.
The terms ‘contact’ and ‘contact-free’ are often used in relation to industrial coding, but what do they actually mean and why does it matter whether a coder is contact-free or not? Richard Pether, director at coding and marking specialist Rotech, discusses the suitability of each method in a number of commonly encountered coding scenarios.
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